His speech is equal to the peasants of southern North America and denotes a typical independent girls and with very clear ideas pride.

The personality of Applejack stands out as one of the ponies he likes the work, cares for others and often their work leaves a little tired, the apple harvest is one of the most complicated tereas but Applejack with his family makes very happy, on the other hand out for being very stubborn at times and even competitive with ponies that can fly despite having the disadvantage of being land has great strength and skills especially when throwing ties or strings. The element that represents Applejack is honesty and its main features being a very loyal Pony and likes to help everyone and Ponyville especially when her closest friends will find yourself in trouble. Applejack is engaged in the work of cultivating and harvesting apples and fruit in Sweet Apple Acres, work he does with his family. Applejack is one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, is a land pony that has a large family an older brother Big Macintosh, Smith grandmother and her little sister member of the famous Cutie Mark Crusaders Applebloom.